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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Toyota Tacoma Drivers

Now that we've hit 1000 pageviews (500 by Jake and 500 by me), we're in business. And it's back to the business of describing truck owners as we see them. Now, Jake drives a Toyota Tacoma, so it's my job to tackle this one.

I'm going to be brutally honest - Tacoma drivers are practical, intelligent, and cost-conscious (that's not to say Tacomas are cheap). This makes them just about the only pickup drivers who are practical, intelligent, and cost-conscious. I'm not going to say any more about that. A Tacoma driver wants a truck for the right reason - to carry around lots of stuff in the bed. A Tacoma driver wants a truck that might cost a little extra up front, but it will last forever. And there's really not a lot else that goes into the decision making process (no testosterone, no emotion, no passion, etc.). Editors note: Tacoma drivers also hate America, so I'm told.

So what's the result? It's the nerd of pickup trucks. Let's not forget that we need nerds in the world! Here are two of my favorite examples of practical Tacomas:

(as featured on "Ugly Caps")

And this new one:

Now, ladies and gentlemen, I love this truck. I can only speculate as to how this happened, but I'm thinking this guy got smart and decided to downsize (he was probably tired of bartering off his children for gasoline). He needed his truck box because nobody was going to talk him into putting a cap on his Tacoma. Unfortunately, the box wouldn't fit the right way, so he couldn't go for the "winged S-10" look. But he was determined, so he just tossed the box in the other way, and there it sits. It's probably secured in there, but I didn't check. It's awkward enough to take pictures of people's trucks when they might be watching.

So don't forget: the Tacoma may be a little nerdy, but I'd rather a nerdy truck that does work than a Sassy Chassis that doesn't. And just for the record, I'll admit that Jake's Tacoma has pulled my Silverado out of the snow. Twice. It also pulled out a Fed-Ex truck (it was my idea, though).

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