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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ugly Caps

Now that Jake is done ranting, I will try to outdo him with my own rant. I'll also try to outdo his show truck with this one:

Now that's a show truck. The funny thing is, when you do this to an older truck, it's acceptable. Maybe it's because there's about $70k in Sassy Chassis and this guy might bring $10k.  Maybe it's because this truck has been around long enough to prove its worth...

Ugly Caps

On the same day that Jake found Sassy Chassis parked at the far end of a parking lot like anything that someone has wasted that much money on, I was in our nation's capital (not the Capitol, mind you) because that's where all good patriotic young men go to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his weekend. As always, I kept my eye open for trucks, and I found something unusual parked on the Mall:

I just put this first picture in here because I find it amusing that the Smart car, which is about a third of the length of the Ram pictured, squeezed in to that spot. I am fully confident that this "smart" driver was the last to park because a) he wanted to show off and b) even a Ram driver is not a big enough asshole to park that close to the car in front of him while leaving that much room behind him.

Now, this is unusual because, from this view, it looks like there's a smaller blue truck with a cap parked on the other side of the Ram. As  it turns out, that cap is on the Ram! The truck is not from Maryland (obviously), but it looks like he might have been going for the Maryland Truck look. Several problems with this:

1. The cap is one size too small and the wrong color (thus creating the optical illusion).
2. The truck is white (looks too much like a fleet vehicle unless you "Sassy" it up)
3. The truck is "only" a crew cab (not Dodge's "Mega Cab")
4. The truck has stock wheels (enough said).
5. The truck has all terrain tires and it's dirty (Maryland Truck owners scoff)
(6. I've never seen a Dodge Maryland Truck)

On second thought, this guy really wasn't going for the Maryland Truck at all. In fact, and I think Jake would agree, this would be a decent looking work truck if it didn't have that ugly cap. For the sake of improving the looks of America's trucks, let's cover some ugly caps.

Sometimes the cap itself is ugly:

Sometimes the truck and cap are both ugly:

Sometimes the cap is the wrong size, as we saw with the Dodge, and sometimes the cap's color does not look good on the truck (as we saw with the Dodge). This doesn't mean that the cap and truck always need to be the same color, but it usually looks best if the cap is not oddly-shaped, fits properly, and is the same color as the truck (one thing Maryland Trucks get right). Here's a rare example of a truck and cap that are different colors but aren't painful to look at:

We're not really sure what the square hole in the side is, but this guy gets credit for his patriotic POW/MIA sticker and side pipes. Nicely done.

1 comment:

  1. Zack the statement "b) even a Ram driver is not a big enough asshole to park that close to the car in front of him while leaving that much room behind him" is a lil inaccurate. If I saw a gay ass smart car parallel parked with enough space behind it for me to put my dodge grill a foot behind his back glass I wouldn't hesitate especially if it had Maryland tags.
