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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ram Owners

Let's get one thing out of the way first. Dodge has apparently disowned its full size trucks by refusing to call them by their brand name. Watch any new Ram commercial - you won't hear the word "Dodge" once. So, this post is about Ram owners. Not Dodge owners, not Dodge Ram owners, just Ram owners.

I don't want to give the impression that all Ram owners are insecure assholes, but I can say with great confidence that all insecure assholes (who own trucks) are Ram owners. It's just a perfect fit. Rams are big. For the men out there who just own trucks because they're big, they're ideal. Rams are powerful (or at least have the appearance of being powerful, which is what counts). The Hemi and the SRT-10 are ideal for those trying to compensate for something, and the stock exhaust sounds good, too. Rams are also relatively cheap (we're talking relative to the two obvious American truck manufacturers), and their resale values are relatively lower as well. For all these reasons, Rams are frequently owned by those guys (everybody knows one).

So what's the result? Rams, like any good trucks, often do good work:

...and sometimes they get bizarre damage:

They frequently get "showed" up:

On rare occasion, a spoiler looks fast:

...but most of the time it just looks silly:

(no, it doesn't have a hemi!)

Rams are still vulnerable to caps:

Finally, a Ram will even last as long as any other truck...if it's in Arizona and doesn't rust away:

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