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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tool Boxes Revisited

Many moons ago I wrote a post about tool boxes - they're like trunks for trucks! And I stated that while a cap, or camper shell, might look good on a smaller truck or a Northern (I'll say Yankee) full-size truck, they just don't fly down South. (Toolboxes, on the other hand, can help you "fly" quite literally, as this guy showed us.) And some Yankees too have come to the realization that tool boxes look better than caps (Who can forget the Michigander with two boxes instead of a cap?) Well, today's post is just a friendly reminder that things haven't changed.

Here's a "slim" tool box that looks great in a "Sunburst Orange" Ram (fun fact: this truck is a 2009 model, as the Sunburst Orange Pearl Coat was available from 2007-2009, with 2009 being the only current-style year to offer this color - and who says we don't care about Rams?):

Heck, we even support unorthodox tool box placement over caps. If it makes sense, do it (unless that means buying a PLV - don't make too much sense, please!) And we LOVE big racks, so when we see a beauty like this it makes us proud:

But there is an option we disapprove of even more than a capped bed...that's when the owner can't make a decision! I never thought I would see more than one of these in my life...

 ...but apparently there are two people in the Nation who think it's a great idea to have a tool box AND a cap. Gentlemen, please. At least the first guy's setup actually fit on his bed:

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