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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Post about "Truck Art"

Here at the Nation, we've done a number of posts in the past highlighting some of the best "Truck Art" in the nation. We've got conflicted feelings about Truck Art. Sometimes it looks great like the now famous 'Merican Truck or the classic Wounded Warriors Truck. But more often than not, the artists are not so gifted. What you get, instead of a beautiful, well-coordinated piece of rolling artwork is a tacky hodgepodge of bumper stickers, decals, and chrome. Like a 12-year-old's bedroom, these trucks are scatterbrained and often reflect the fluctuation of hormone levels. I'm talking about trucks like this one:

Guess what the other side says. (Hint: it's not "Defense".)

We see a lot of military themed Truck Art here at the Nation. What we've found is that military art rarely looks good on a truck. However, even more rarely does it look as bad as this:

Now I'm not trying to detract from this Purple Heart winner's service, but this Artilleryman seems to be confused. After all, a Chinook cannot lift a 28 Ton Paladin.

This Cavalryman is proud of his heritage:

And this guy has illusions of grandeur:

Actually, he's neither speeding nor qualifying. He is waiting for the light to turn green so that he can make his way home from the grocery store.

My personal favorite, though, is this little guy:

I have a feeling that these children will be scarred for life.

Look, I'm not saying that all truck art is bad. But the above examples are tacky at best. What we really need is a well coordinated effort. I'm waiting to see this on the tailgate of a Chevy:

Wouldn't that be the ultimate American Truck?

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