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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Connecticut Truck

Greetings Pickup Nation! It has been too long, as usual. My first excuse for my absence is that I have been in Connecticut for a couple months, and I thought until very recently that Connecticut had simply outlawed pickup trucks. After sleeping in mine every night to ensure that the local police did not confiscate it, I realized that there are pickup trucks here! ...well, to be technical they are PLV's, but just as surely as there is a Maryland Truck for the Maryland man, there is also a Connecticut Truck! Here's a prime example:

Okay, I'll be honest. This isn't "an example;" it's the only thing close to a pickup I've seen with a Connecticut tag. I have seen similar vehicles for sale at Walmart, though. Here's a convertible, off-road version, presumably made in China:

Fortunately for all of us, I will soon be returning from the Land that God Forgot [to bless with pickup trucks], and there will be many more exciting posts to come! Thanks for reading and long live Pickup Nation!

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