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Friday, July 15, 2011

Working with a Pickup Truck 101

Now that Jake has returned and we've both had plenty of time to capture some of Pickup Nation's greatest pickups, the time has come for another lesson. This lesson is simple: how to do work (and how NOT to do work) with your pickup truck. I will try to make this as clear as possible, but please send us any questions or concerns you have after reading this. This is very important.

How to do work:

If a tree falls on your tailgate, make the tree your tailgate.

How not to do work:

Tailgate extenders: God's gift to morons.

How to do work:

I don't know what the hell this guy does (other than "making ends meet"), but it's definitely work.

How not to do work:

Cool man. I bet your girlfriend loves it...oh you don't have one? Hmmm.

How to do work:

There's nothing wrong with using your tarp as a bed cover...

How not to do work:

...but there is something wrong with using your tarp as a bed cover and using your pickup as a trailer. For your Jeep.

How to do work:

Work trucks can be very useful...

How not to do work:

...but they can also be rendered useless.

How to do work:

Driving your Silverado on train tracks is cool...

How not to do work:

...pulling a train with your Silverado is not.


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