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Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Return of Jake

It has been a while! I’m back though, and Zack has promised to post after I do, so I need to get something up. I’ve moved, and so has Zack, and we’re both convinced that we live in a better area for capturing great pickups. But let's get to it…

In my travels over the last few months I’ve capture pictures of a few real winners, but I don’t want to spoil you and dump them all on one post. Seeing as how the 4th of July was a scant week ago, and PN didn’t post anything related to ‘merica, I think we're overdue for an ‘merican pride post.

Let’s start with this truck from the great state of New Jersey:

Now, the flag mural is a fairly common design on trucks. What makes this truck special is its chrome taillight protectors. The trash bag flapping in the wind holding who knows how many dead bodies is a nice touch. While there aren’t rednecks in NJ as far as I know, this truck would be at home on the turnpike, I think.

The next truck is one that I first saw a few days ago but was unable to capture in all of its glory until today. This truck is parked outside an auto repair ship, so I’m going to assume that it belongs to someone who works there. Anyways, this may be one of the best trucks that we have found in the short 6 month life of PN:

And that’s just the back end; check out the front:

This guy has accessorized the shit out of this thing, but undoubtedly what makes this truck a PN Hall of Famer is its paint job. Incredible. Not surprisingly, the driver is a Dale and Dale Jr. fan. I challenge anyone to find a more patriotic truck.

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