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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bumper Stickers, etc.

In my months of observing the nation's pickups, I have seen many entertaining bumper stickers. Here I will bring up a few that stand out in my mind.

We have all seen cars plastered with bumper stickers. Usually the car is worth less than a tank of fuel (at today's prices, that includes quite a few cars) and the stickers say things like MAKE LOVE NOT WAR and HILLARY '12. But when you see a pickup covered in stickers, you can bet that it stands on the other side of the issues...especially when it has an American flag flying in the bed:

It's too bad the stickers are so hard to read here. Suffice it to say that they are all very witty (e.g. "Government Health Care Makes Me Sick") and very conservative. This is a true Tea Partier (is that the proper term?) and he is proud of it. We are proud of him for being proud. With people as strong in their beliefs and as unwilling to compromise them as this man, our Pickup Nation will no doubt last forever.

Here's one that worries me slightly more:

As the resident Chevy expert, I can tell you that Chevrolet has used the slogan "Heartbeat of America" in years past. It's pretty catchy and all, and lots of stickers, license plates, etc. are still around that say "Heartbeat" and things of that nature. Naturally, there are anti-Chevy stickers that might say something like, for example, "THE Heartbeat STOPS HERE!" Old Billy Badass put one on the back of his F-150, and Asshole Al put one on his Ram next to the "Yeah, it's got a Hemi" sticker. But it never occurred to me that Dumbass Dave would think it a good idea to put an anti-Chevy sticker on the back of his Silverado, right next to his gigantic red bowtie sticker. Nicely done, Dave. At least some people will see the humor in your mistake.

And lastly, this gem continues to baffle me:

On this Tacoma, there is a large picture of a Concorde (supersonic airliner) on the tailgate, and the license plate says TAKEOFF. I just wonder how this person came to be so attached to a now-retired airplane or to aviation in general. I will probably ponder the meaning of this pickup truck's decorations for the rest of my life, but something tells me I'm overthinking it. To each his own, as they say. (There is also a sticker in the window that says "WAR: it doesn't decide who's right, only who's left." I'll save that one for another day.)

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