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Sunday, January 9, 2011

More Winners

Most Compensating

To put it kindly, many men drive large trucks to compensate for their...shortcomings. One could argue that this may even be the modern role of the pickup truck. The men driving these two leave no room for argument:

Well, obviously they would argue with each other about whose is bigger...

What we see in the top picture is a lifted Harley Davidson Edition Ford with mud flaps and a lot of likely necessary stuff going on underneath. We can give the man credit for keeping his truck clean, but he loses it due to the poor parking job.

The second picture contains what would be a modest Chevy Silverado 3500 Dually. Everything is stock except one small detail - the license plate. After pondering its meaning for quite some time (Maxim is...? or Max I. Mis?), we have concluded that it actually refers to the word "maximus," which is Latin for "greatest" or "largest." Now, I can't be sure, but I would guess that the tag that says MAXIMUS went to another guy who was either faster or better at spelling. And he is undoubtedly bigger.

Best Rolling Artwork

Although I can't say I know what's in this tailgate mural, it looks well done and no doubt pleases tailgaters on the highway. We are thankful that this guy opted for the tonneau cover instead of a cap because the lowered, tinted, chromed truck would then have looked like a station wagon. Kudos.

Most Axles

I can't be sure because this truck is older than me, but I don't think this is stock.

If it is stock, there aren't too many left on the road. I must apologize for the quality of the picture, but I don't think it takes away from the meaning...

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