Help Us Find the Nation's Greatest Pickups!

Please submit photos and videos you have taken of interesting pickup trucks to us at!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Usually, Jake and I take all the pictures you see on this blog. We are constantly on the lookout for the most interesting trucks we can bring to you, and I don't think we do too bad considering there are only two of us to capture all those trucks. However, this doesn't mean we won't accept pictures from our readers, especially if they look like this:

This was taken (I'm told) in the great state of Massachusetts, where men are made of steel and trucks are made of...I don't really know what that is. I wish I had seen this with my own two eyes. I really can't figure it out by looking at this picture. I've spent several minutes now, and you can too. Please enjoy this until Jake's next post, which will probably be in a couple months.

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