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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Hot Seat

Here at PN we have observed a developing trend in small to mid-sized trucks. Presumably because they lack the desired amount of room for passengers inside the cab, owners have been adding seats to the beds of their trucks. The first generation of truck "hot seats" left something to be desired:

Although this concerned citizen installed both a couch and a computer chair in his bed, the orientation of the seats does not appear to make the ride any more comfortable than in the cramped back seat of the cab. Luckily, the next guy we spotted kept it simple:

This seat also does not look comfortable, but it is at least mostly upright. Since there are only two seats in the cab, this hot seat, although undoubtedly uncomfortable to ride in, increases the seating capacity of the truck by 50%! Here's a deluxe version of this same hot seat:

 This pickup owner is a thinker. His third-generation hot seat is leather, upright and centered, and fixed in place at least somewhat securely. He has even included a cooler for the lucky passenger, and we like his last idea most of all: the extra passenger can actually fill the truck up with gas (using the gas can pictured) while the truck is in motion! Not even the technological wizards at NASCAR have figured this out yet! We applaud this man.

Oh, and here's a South Carolina hot seat:

Yeah, this guy actually mounted a seat in the bed of his truck. WTF?